Open House Tours
Event Type: Self-guided cycling tour
When: Launching Open House Limerick festival weekend (October 29th - 31st)
Time: N/A
Where: Google Map Link Here
Bookings: N/A
Capacity: N/A
Cost: FREE
Multiple Locations
2021 sees the revival of Open House Limerick Architectural Cycling Tour.
In keeping with Open House Limerick Green Festivals ethos, we have designed an immersive self guided cycling tour of architecture. Each year a different architect is selected, their work catalogued and then mapped to give the framework from which a cycling route can be developed. A 'first in series', this year's event maps a cycle route featuring the regional work of architect and Limerickman, Andy Devane.
Self-guided individual bike tours have become increasingly popular in Europe due to the flexibility and independence they offer. It offers festival goers the opportunity to appreciate the built environment at a pace and in a time that suits their schedule; a 'Slow Architecture Day'.
As the terrain in the city is relatively flat, the city centre route can be navigated by cyclists of all abilities.
Tours can be undertaken by solo cyclists, groups and families.
Best practice guidelines from 'GUIDE TO CYCLING ON THE ROAD' from Cycling Ireland should be referenced for your safety and the safety of others.
Link to google map with self-guided cycling tour can be found here.
This project is funded by Limerick City and County Council’s Festivals and Events Grant Scheme 2021/2022.
Open House Limerick 2021 is funded by the Arts Council of Ireland, Heritage Council and Limerick City and Council Culture and Arts Office.
Open House Limerick is sponsored by Roadstone and RIAI and supported by the Irish Architecture Foundation, Open House Worldwide and