OpenHouse Limerick

Community Engagement in Towns Webinar


Event Type: Online Talk/ Webinar

When: Wednesday 20th October

Time: 19:30 - 20:30

Where: Online. Please book a free ticket to receive zook link.


Capacity: 200

Cost: FREE




Miriam Delaney, Tara Kennedy and Laurence Lord (AP+E architects) will deliver a webinar and public Q&A session for Open House Limerick on their experiences in working on community-led town regeneration and urban renewal projects. Having worked together as part of a team at the Venice Architecture Biennale in 2018 on the subject of rural towns, their most recent work has involved developing design strategies and action plans in Lusk Co. Dublin and Castleblayney Co. Monaghan. In this webinar they will describe strategies they have used in community participation, and tactics that they have developed in empowering community groups to work collaboratively to identify and achieve better quality urban environments. 


This project is funded by the Arts Council of Ireland's Engaging with Architecture Scheme.

Open House Limerick 2021 is funded by the Arts Council of Ireland, Heritage Council and Limerick City and Council Culture and Arts Office.

Open House Limerick is sponsored by Roadstone and RIAI and supported by the Irish Architecture Foundation, Open House Worldwide and

